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Quick Facts
  • Side: Horde
  • Statistic

Most Horde factions at Exalted

This achievement will be converted to Most Alliance factions at Exalted if you transfer to Alliance

Criteria (any required)
     » Warsong Outriders (Exalted with Warsong Outriders)
     » Thunder Bluff (Exalted with Thunder Bluff)
     » The Hand of Vengeance (Exalted with The Hand of Vengeance)
     » The Defilers (Exalted with The Defilers)
     » Orgrimmar (Exalted with Orgrimmar)
     » Darkspear Trolls (Exalted with Darkspear Trolls)
     » Silvermoon City (Exalted with Silvermoon City)
     » The Mag'har (Exalted with The Mag'har)
     » Undercity (Exalted with Undercity)
     » Tranquillien (Exalted with Tranquillen)
     » The Sunreavers (Exalted with The Sunreavers)
     » Thrallmar (Exalted with Thrallmar)
     » Warsong Offensive (Exalted with Warsong Offensive)
     » Frostwolf Clan (Exalted with Frostwolf Clan)
     » The Taunka (Exalted with The Taunka)
     » Huojin Pandaren (42000)