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Criteria #23790 (all required)
     »  The Mogu Menace
     »  Spiteful Sprites (Spiteful Spirits)
     »  Egg Rescue!
     »  Onyx Hearts
     »  Dark Arts
     »  Bronze Claws
     »  Illusions Of The Past
     »  Little Hatchlings
     »  Born Free
     »  Grave Consequences
     »  In Sprite Of Everything
     »  Riding the Storm
     »  When The Dead Speak
     »  Sra'vess Wetwork
     »  The Bigger They Come...
     »  A Morale Victory
     »  Destroy the Siege Weapons!
     »  Fumigation
     »  Friends, Not Food!
     »  Target of Opportunity: Sra'thik Swarmlord (Slay the Sra'thik Swarmlord)
     »  Target of Opportunity: Sra'thik Hivelord (Destroy the Hivelord!)
     »  Assault Fire Camp Gai-Cho
     »  Assault Deadtalker's Plateau
     »  The Deadtalker Cipher (Adding it Up)
     »  Spirit Dust
     »  The Enemy of My Enemy... Is Still My Enemy!
     »  Uruk!
     »  Cheng Bo!