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Chronormu (Chromie for short) has always been one of the more active, approachable bronze dragons. Strengthening your bond with her will increase her power in the Deaths of Chromie scenario.

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Reward from killing (68)Objective of (1)Criteria of (1)Criteria of tree (1)Referenced by (6)
Fiery Behemoth112A HGiant 7.2.5 0+200
<Guardian Demon>
112A HDemon The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 1+200
<Crypt Queen>
112A HUndead The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 1+200
Alliance Siege Cannon112A HMechanical The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 1+150
Horde Siege Cannon112A HMechanical The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 1+150
Talar Icechill112A HUndead 7.2.5 0+50
Zorathides112A HDemon 7.2.5 0+50
Charredbone Goliath112A HUndead The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 1+50
Void Gargantuan112A HAberration 7.2.5 0+50
Apothecary Tillings112A HHumanoid The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 1+30
Potionmaster Donovan112A HHumanoid The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 1+30
Gatzin Zapwrench112A HHumanoid The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 1+30
Briggs112A HHumanoid The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 1+30
Brother Grigory112A HHumanoid The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 1+30
Magus Araana112A HHumanoid The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 1+30
Festerbloat112A HUndead The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 1+30
Roobi Skizzelvolt112A HHumanoid The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 1+30
Gro'thogg112A HHumanoid The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 1+30
Talessah Towhide112A HHumanoid The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 1+30
Hexweaver Jakunda112A HHumanoid The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 1+30
Abyssal Doombringer112A HDemon The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 8+20
Lava Spawn112A HElemental 7.2.5 0+20
Firelord112A HElemental 7.2.5 0+20
Greater Felguard112A HDemon The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 9+20
Alliance Force-Commander112A HHumanoid The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 13+20
Deathguard War-Captain112A HHumanoid The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 17+20
Alyndriel Graveborn112A HUndead The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 1+20
Earlis the Deathrider112A HUndead The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 1+20
Smoldering Construct112A HUndead The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 5+20
Dream Tormentor112A HAberration The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 6+20
Bile Golem112A HUndead The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 4+15
Dreadlord Defender112A HDemon The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 4+10
Doomguard Annihilator112A HDemon The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 17+10
Searing Overlord112A HElemental  0+10
Doomguard Annihilator112A HDemon The Deaths of Chromie 1+10
Eternal Champion
<The Queen's Royal Guard>
112A HHumanoid The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 3+10
Icefist112A HHumanoid The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 1+10
Dregmar Runebrand112A HHumanoid The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 1+10
Corrupted Arcanist112A HHumanoid The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 11+10
Bonesunder112A HHumanoid The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 1+10
Leyline Elemental112A HAberration The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 20+10
Searing Overlord112A HElemental The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 4+10
Dark Necromancer112A HHumanoid The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 6+10
Tomb Stalker112A HUndead The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 11+10
Iceshatter112A HHumanoid The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 1+10
Bloodfeast112A HHumanoid The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 1+10
Emerald Skytalon112A HBeast The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 25+5
Enchanted Highmistress
<The Queen's Royal Guard>
112A HHumanoid The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 3+5
Smoldering Geist112A HUndead The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 30+5
Smoldering Skeleton112A HUndead The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 27+5
Bloodless Ghoul112A HUndead The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 19+5
Ancient Warrior112A HUndead The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 18+5
Forgotten Wailer112A HUndead The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 12+5
Flame Hound112A HElemental  0+5
Seething Pyrelord112A HElemental  0+5
Emerald Lasher112A HElemental The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 35+5
Ley Wyrm112A HAberration The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 32+5
Enraging Ghoul112A HUndead The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 9+5
Deathguard112A HHumanoid The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 32+5
Devouring Ghoul112A HUndead The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 10+5
Alliance Defender112A HHumanoid The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 33+5
Flame Hound112A HElemental The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 12+5
Risen Steed112A HUndead The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 2+5
Seething Pyrelord112A HElemental The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 2+5
Blazing Phoenix112A HElemental The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 6+5
Keen Felstalker112A HDemon The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 15+5
Enchanted Highmistress
<The Queen's Royal Guard>
112A HHumanoid The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 3+5
Risen Zombie112A HUndead The Deaths of Chromie7.2.5 119+1