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The Sha'tar
The Sha'tar are a group of powerful naaru who rule over a rebuilt Shattrath City. With the help of the Aldor and the Scryers, they lead the battle against Illidan and the Burning Legion.

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Reward from killing (109)Members (5)Items (35)Objective of (1)Criteria of (11)
Criteria of tree (14)Referenced by (3)
 A H  2.2.0 0+250
 A H  2.2.0 0+250
 A H  2.2.0 0+250
 A H  2.2.0 0+250
 A H  2.2.0 0+250
 A H  2.2.0 0+250
 A H  2.2.0 0+250
 A H  2.2.0 0+250
 A H  2.2.0 0+250
Mechano-Lord Capacitus70 - 72A HMechanical The Mechanar2.2.0 1+120
Laj72A HElemental The Botanica2.2.0 1+120
High Botanist Freywinn72A HHumanoid The Botanica2.2.0 1+120
Harbinger Skyriss72A HHumanoid 2.2.0 0+120
Dalliah the Doomsayer72A HDemon The Arcatraz2.2.0 1+120
Commander Sarannis72A HHumanoid The Botanica2.2.0 1+120
Nethermancer Sepethrea70 - 72A HHumanoid The Mechanar2.2.0 1+120
Pathaleon the Calculator70 - 72A HHumanoid The Mechanar2.2.0 1+120
Thorngrin the Tender72A HDemon The Botanica2.2.0 1+120
Warden Mellichar72A HHumanoid The Arcatraz2.2.0 1+120
Warp Splinter72A HElemental The Botanica2.2.0 1+120
Wrath-Scryer Soccothrates72A HDemon The Arcatraz2.2.0 1+120
Zereketh the Unbound72A HDemon The Arcatraz2.2.0 1+120
Harbinger Skyriss72A HHumanoid 2.2.0 0+120
Harbinger Skyriss72A HHumanoid The Arcatraz2.2.0 1+120
Gatewatcher Iron-Hand70 - 72A HDemon The Mechanar2.2.0 1+90
Gatewatcher Gyro-Kill70 - 72A HDemon The Mechanar2.2.0 1+90
Eredar Deathbringer70A HDemon The Arcatraz2.2.0 1+24
Entropic Eye70A HDemon 2.2.0 0+24
Defender Corpse68 - 69A HHumanoid 2.0.1 0+24
Blazing Trickster70A HDemon 2.2.0 0+24
Blackwing Drakonaar72A HDragonkin 2.2.0 0+24
Akkiris Lightning-Waker72A HElemental 2.2.0 0+24
Phase-Hunter72A HBeast 2.2.0 0+24
Protean Spawn68 - 69A HAberration 2.2.0 0+24
Sightless Eye70A HUnspecified 2.2.0 0+24
Sulfuron Magma-Thrower72A HHumanoid 2.2.0 0+24
Third Fragment Guardian70A HBeast 2.2.0 0+24
Twilight Drakonaar72A HDragonkin 2.2.0 0+24
Warder Corpse68 - 69A HHumanoid 2.0.1 0+24
 A H  2.2.0 0+15
 A H  2.2.0 0+15
 A H  2.2.0 0+15
Mutate Fear-Shrieker70 - 71A HBeast The Botanica2.2.0 6+12
Mechanar Wrecker68 - 70A HDemon The Mechanar2.2.0 4+12
Mechanar Tinkerer67 - 70A HDemon The Mechanar2.2.0 16+12
Mechanar Crusher68 - 71A HDemon The Mechanar2.2.0 1+12
Gargantuan Abyssal71A HDemon The Arcatraz2.2.0 2+12
Ethereum Wave-Caster70A HHumanoid The Arcatraz2.2.0 2+12
Ethereum Slayer70A HHumanoid The Arcatraz2.2.0 4+12
Ethereum Life-Binder70A HHumanoid The Arcatraz2.2.0 2+12
Eredar Soul-Eater70A HDemon The Arcatraz2.2.0 1+12
Death Watcher70A HDemon The Arcatraz2.2.0 2+12
Bloodwarder Steward69 - 70A HHumanoid The Botanica2.0.1 3+12
Bloodwarder Slayer68 - 70A HHumanoid The Mechanar2.0.1 7+12
Bloodwarder Protector69 - 70A HHumanoid The Botanica2.0.1 17+12
Bloodwarder Physician67 - 70A HHumanoid The Mechanar2.1.0 10+12
Bloodwarder Mender69 - 70A HHumanoid The Botanica2.0.1 3+12
Bloodwarder Greenkeeper69 - 70A HHumanoid The Botanica2.0.1 8+12
Bloodwarder Falconer70 - 71A HHumanoid The Botanica2.0.1 2+12
Bloodwarder Centurion68 - 71A HHumanoid The Mechanar2.0.1 7+12
Bloodfalcon69 - 70A HBeast The Botanica2.2.0 9+12
Arcatraz Warder68 - 69A HHumanoid The Arcatraz2.0.1 4+12
Arcatraz Sentinel70A HMechanical The Arcatraz2.2.0 11+12
Arcatraz Defender68 - 69A HHumanoid The Arcatraz2.0.1 3+12
Arcane Servant68 - 70A HElemental 2.0.1 0+12
Mutate Fleshlasher70 - 71A HBeast The Botanica2.2.0 6+12
Mutate Horror70 - 71A HBeast The Botanica2.2.0 6+12
Negaton Screamer70A HDemon The Arcatraz2.2.0 3+12
Negaton Warp-Master70A HDemon The Arcatraz2.2.0 2+12
Nether Wraith72A HElemental 2.2.0 0+12
Nethervine Inciter70 - 71A HDemon The Botanica2.2.0 8+12
Nethervine Reaper70 - 71A HDemon The Botanica2.2.0 4+12
Nethervine Trickster70 - 71A HDemon The Botanica2.2.0 3+12
Protean Horror68 - 69A HAberration The Arcatraz2.2.0 19+12
Protean Nightmare71A HAberration The Arcatraz2.2.0 2+12
Raging Flames70 - 72A HElemental 2.2.0 0+12
Restless Skeleton68 - 70A HUndead 2.0.1 0+12
Sargeron Archer70A HDemon The Arcatraz2.2.0 2+12
Sargeron Hellcaller70A HDemon The Arcatraz2.2.0 2+12
Skulking Witch70A HDemon The Arcatraz2.2.0 2+12
Soul Devourer70A HDemon The Arcatraz2.2.0 1+12
Spiteful Temptress70A HDemon The Arcatraz2.2.0 2+12
Summoned Bloodwarder Mender69 - 70A HHumanoid 2.0.1 0+12
Summoned Bloodwarder Reservist69A HHumanoid 2.0.1 0+12
Sunseeker Astromage67 - 70A HHumanoid The Mechanar2.0.1 6+12
Sunseeker Botanist70 - 71A HHumanoid The Botanica2.0.1 7+12
Sunseeker Engineer67 - 70A HHumanoid The Mechanar2.0.1 6+12
Sunseeker Gene-Splicer70 - 71A HHumanoid The Botanica2.1.0 3+12
Sunseeker Geomancer71A HHumanoid The Botanica2.0.1 2+12
Sunseeker Harvester70 - 71A HHumanoid The Botanica2.1.0 4+12
Sunseeker Herbalist70 - 71A HHumanoid The Botanica2.1.0 2+12
Sunseeker Channeler70 - 71A HHumanoid The Botanica2.1.0 6+12
Sunseeker Chemist70 - 71A HHumanoid The Botanica2.0.1 5+12
Sunseeker Netherbinder68 - 70A HHumanoid The Mechanar2.0.1 4+12
Sunseeker Researcher70 - 71A HHumanoid The Botanica2.0.1 8+12
Tempest-Forge Destroyer69 - 71A HMechanical The Mechanar2.2.0 3+12
Tempest-Forge Patroller69 - 71A HMechanical The Mechanar2.2.0 6+12
Tempest-Forge Peacekeeper70 - 72A HMechanical The Botanica2.2.0 4+12
Unbound Devastator70A HDemon The Arcatraz2.2.0 1+12
Unchained Doombringer71A HDemon The Arcatraz2.2.0 2+12
Green Seedling68A HElemental 2.2.0 0+4
Greater Frayer69 - 71A HElemental The Botanica2.2.0 7+4
Frayer Wildling70A HElemental The Botanica2.2.0 31+4
Frayer68 - 70A HElemental The Botanica2.2.0 25+4
Blue Seedling69A HElemental 2.2.0 0+4
Sapling72A HElemental 2.2.0 0+4
Thorn Flayer70A HElemental 2.2.0 0+4
Thorn Lasher70A HElemental 2.2.0 0+4
White Seedling68 - 70A HElemental 2.2.0 0+4