langNotificationNoAlerts = "You don't have any alerts"; langNotificationInternalError = "An internal error has occured, try refreshing the page.
If this problem persists please contact an administrator"; langNotificationInfoTitle = "Information"; langNotificationSuccessTitle = "Success"; langNotificationNotification = "Notification"; langNotificationAlreadyInProgress = "Another action is already in progress, please wait ..."; langNotificationActionInProgress = "Action in progress ..."; langNotificationErrorTryAgain = "Sorry, something went wrong ! Please try again ..."; langNotificationErrorTitle = "Error"; langNotificationConfirmAreYouSure = "Are you sure ?"; langNotificationConfirmTitle = "Confirmation"; langNotificationConfirmYes = "Yes"; langNotificationConfirmNo = "No"; langNotificationPromptCancel = "Cancel"; langRewardConfirm = "Are you sure you want this reward on [0] ?"; langSelectCharacter = "Please select a character first from the top of the page"; LANG_CURRENT_REALM = "Shadowsong"; ONLINE_FOR = "online for"; TIME_WEEK = "week"; TIME_WEEKS = "weeks"; TIME_DAY = "day"; TIME_DAYS = "days"; TIME_HOUR = "hour"; TIME_HOURS = "hours"; TIME_MINUTE = "minute"; TIME_MINUTES = "minutes"; TIME_SECOND = "second"; TIME_SECONDS = "seconds"; UPTIME = "Uptime"; TIME_SHORT_WEEK = "w"; TIME_SHORT_DAY = "d"; TIME_SHORT_HOUR = "h"; TIME_SHORT_MINUTE = "m"; TIME_SHORT_SECOND = "s"; NPC_FINDER_JS_ONLY_DURING = "This NPC is visible only during"; NPC_FINDER_JS_DURATION = "Duration"; NPC_FINDER_JS_DURATION_REMAINING = "remaining"; NPC_FINDER_JS_IN_PROGRESS = "Event is in progress"; NPC_FINDER_JS_STARTS = "Event starts at"; NPC_FINDER_JS_INVISIBLE = "NPC is invisible"; NPC_FINDER_JS_IS = "NPC is"; NPC_FINDER_JS_CHANCE = "has a chance of"; NPC_FINDER_JS_TO_BE_SPAWNED = "to be spawned here"; NPC_FINDER_JS_TOTAL_RESPAWN_TIME = "Total respawn time"; NPC_FINDER_JS_STATE = "State"; NPC_FINDER_JS_STATE_DEAD = "Dead"; NPC_FINDER_JS_STATE_ALIVE = "Alive"; NPC_FINDER_JS_RESPAWN_IN = "Respawn in"; NPC_FINDER_JS_WAYPOINTS = "Warning! This NPC has waypoints, he's wandering
through the map, it's possible the ingame
position might differ than what you see here"; NPC_FINDER_JS_SPAWN_MASK = "Spawn mask"; NPC_FINDER_JS_PHASEID = "Phase ID"; OBJECT_FINDER_JS_ONLY_DURING = "This object is visible only during"; OBJECT_FINDER_JS_DURATION = "Duration"; OBJECT_FINDER_JS_DURATION_REMAINING = "remaining"; OBJECT_FINDER_JS_IN_PROGRESS = "Event is in progress"; OBJECT_FINDER_JS_STARTS = "Event starts at"; OBJECT_FINDER_JS_INVISIBLE = "Object is invisible"; OBJECT_FINDER_JS_IS = "Object is"; OBJECT_FINDER_JS_CHANCE = "has a chance of"; OBJECT_FINDER_JS_TO_BE_SPAWNED = "to be spawned here"; OBJECT_FINDER_JS_TOTAL_RESPAWN_TIME = "Total respawn time"; OBJECT_FINDER_JS_STATE = "State"; OBJECT_FINDER_JS_STATE_DEAD = "Despawned"; OBJECT_FINDER_JS_STATE_ALIVE = "Spawned"; OBJECT_FINDER_JS_RESPAWN_IN = "Respawn in"; ENTITY_FINDER_DYNAMIC_RESPAWN_TIME = "respawn time changes dynamically
based on number of nearby players";