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REALM: Shadowsong   (change to )

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Booty Bay Fire Bunny (Medium)
Quick Facts
  • Level: 1
  • Health: 87
  • Armor: 60 (-28% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Damage: 3 - 5
  • Type: Unspecified
  • Added in 4.0.3

NPC isn't spawned anywhere

Same model (100)
Scrapped Fel Reaver70A HMechanicalNetherstorm2.2.0 1
Ethereum Prisoner71A HServer triggerNetherstorm2.0.1 14
Invis Raven God Target70A HServer trigger 2.1.0 0
Veras Vanish Effect72A HUnspecified 2.2.0 0
Cosmetic Trigger - LAB70A HUnspecifiedTwilight Highlands2.4.0 79
Generic Quest Trigger - LAB70A HServer triggerBorean Tundra2.4.0 3
Sin'Loren Credit70A HServer triggerIsle of Quel'Danas2.4.0 1
Bloodoath Credit70A HServer triggerIsle of Quel'Danas2.4.0 1
Dawnchaser Credit70A HServer triggerIsle of Quel'Danas2.4.0 1
Rocket Chicken1A HBattle Pet 2.3.0 0
Freya's Presence78A HServer triggerSholazar Basin3.0.1 1
Seat Squatter - LAB70A HServer trigger 5.4.2 0
Valkyrion Fire Bunny70A HServer triggerThe Storm Peaks3.0.2 35
[DND] Anguish Spectator Bunny75A HServer trigger 3.0.2 0
Icecrown - Pit Fall70A HServer triggerIcecrown3.0.2 1
Cosmetic Trigger - Phase 1 - LAB70A HServer triggerIcecrown3.0.2 11
Cosmetic Trigger - Phase 2 - LAB70A HServer trigger 5.4.2 0
Cosmetic Trigger - Phase 3 - LAB70A HServer trigger 3.0.2 0
Summoned Plague Cauldron Bunny60A HServer trigger 3.0.2 0
Banner Bunny, Side, Horde1A HServer trigger 3.0.2 0
Banner Bunny, Side, Alliance1A HServer trigger 3.0.2 0
Legion World Portal80A HServer trigger 3.0.2 0
Dave's Industrial Light and Magic Bunny (Medium)(Sessile)1 - 60A HServer triggerShimmering Expanse4.0.1 94
Lieutenant Sanders' Noose1A HServer triggerTirisfal Glades4.0.3 1
Lieutenant Sanders' Noose Focus1A HServer triggerTirisfal Glades4.0.3 1
Bael'dun Phase 2 Effects Bunny (Medium)1A HUnspecified 4.0.3 0
Northwatch Caravan Spawner A1A HServer triggerDurotar4.0.3 3
Cosmetic Trigger - PRK70A HServer triggerDurotar4.0.3 6
Durak's Shield (stage 3)80A HUnspecified 5.4.2 0
Tyrus Blackhorn's Bindings85A HUnspecifiedMount Hyjal4.0.3 2
Flameward Activated80A HServer trigger 5.4.2 0
Flameward Defended1A HUnspecified 5.4.2 0
Ore Heap Bunny1A HServer triggerBlasted Lands4.0.3 3
Generic Bunny - PRK0A HServer triggerSuramar4.0.1 102
Shadow Cloak Control Bunny81A HServer triggerMount Hyjal4.0.1 10
Bloodwash Crate Spawner1A HServer triggerBlasted Lands4.0.3 1
Bloodwash Idol Bunny1A HServer triggerBlasted Lands4.0.3 15
Water Spout1A HUnspecifiedDun Morogh4.0.3 4
Oskar Digsong's Grip1A HServer trigger 4.0.3 0
Egg-splosive Bunny (Alliance)60A HServer trigger 4.0.3 0
Egg-splosive Bunny (Horde)1A HServer trigger 4.0.3 0
Lasso Target80A HServer trigger 4.0.3 0
Compelled Elemental81A HElemental 4.0.3 0
Okril'lon Weapons Crate Bunny1A HServer triggerBlasted Lands4.0.3 26
Neptulon Summon Bunny1A HServer trigger 5.4.2 0
Toxic Pool1A HUnspecifiedNew Tinkertown4.0.1 16
Trogg Tunnel1A HUnspecifiedNew Tinkertown4.0.3 7
Seahorn's Head Vehicle1A HServer trigger 4.0.3 0
Swabbing Duty Controller1A HServer trigger 4.0.3 0
Small Dragonmaw Fires1A HUnspecifiedTwilight Highlands4.0.3 6
Rope1A HUnspecified 4.0.3 0
Rope1A HUnspecified 4.0.3 0
Bloodsail's End: Explosion Bunny1A HServer trigger 4.0.3 0
A Lure: Lure Visual Bunny1A HUnspecified 4.0.1 0
Booty Bay Cannoneer1A HServer trigger 4.0.3 0
Tkashi Fetish1A HServer triggerNorthern Stranglethorn4.0.1 40
Dragonmaw Portal to Orgrimmar1A HUnspecifiedTwilight Highlands4.0.3 1
Andorhal Fire Bunny1A HUnspecifiedWestern Plaguelands4.0.3 36
Scourge Bone Animus Bunny60A HServer triggerWestern Plaguelands4.0.3 2
Zen'Kiki Aquatic Form Offset Vehicle1A HServer trigger 4.0.3 0
Zen'Kiki Bear Form Offset Vehicle1A HServer trigger 4.0.3 0
Generic Bunny - PRK (Large AOI)60A HServer triggerDread Wastes4.0.3 25
Your Doppelganger1A HServer trigger 4.0.3 0
Depravity Event Camera1A HServer trigger 4.0.3 0
Dave's Industrial Light and Magic Bunny (Medium)(Sessile)(Large AOI)1A HUnspecifiedTwilight Highlands4.0.1 4
Necropolis Flowers1A HServer triggerEastern Plaguelands4.0.3 231
Necropolis Flower Controller SE1A HServer triggerEastern Plaguelands4.0.3 1
Necropolis Flower Controller NE1A HServer triggerEastern Plaguelands4.0.3 1
Necropolis Flower Controller W1A HServer triggerEastern Plaguelands4.0.3 1
GFR Event Camera1A HServer trigger 4.0.3 0
Your Doppelganger1A HServer trigger 4.0.3 0
Goblin Mortar Target Bunny1A HUnspecifiedTwilight Highlands4.0.3 18
Goblin Mortar Emplacement84A HUnspecifiedTwilight Highlands4.0.3 4
Warden's Game Controller49A HServer trigger 4.0.3 0
Sentinel's Game Controller1A HServer trigger 5.4.2 0
Generic Bunny - PRK - Extra-Small60A HUnspecifiedTownlong Steppes4.0.1 102
Player Mirror Image1A HServer trigger 4.0.3 0
RG Event Camera1A HServer trigger 4.0.3 0
Inferno Leap87A HServer trigger Halls of Origination4.0.3 1
Cave In Trigger85A HServer trigger 4.0.3 0
Calcinder Banish Credit1A HUnspecifiedSearing Gorge4.0.3 1
Torth Chain Bunny85A HUnspecifiedTwilight Highlands4.0.3 2
AODR Event Camera1A HServer trigger 4.0.1 0
Cenarius Event Camera82A HServer trigger 4.0.3 0
Twilight Hammer Cult Site1A HUnspecified 4.0.3 0
Snow-Covered Burrow1A HUnspecifiedWinterspring4.1.0 57
Generic Bunny1A HServer trigger 4.1.0 0
Climbing Tree80A HUnspecifiedMount Hyjal4.2.0 12
Generic Bunny - HMC (Large AOI)1A HServer trigger 5.4.2 0
Generic Bunny1A HServer triggerStranglethorn Vale4.1.0 1
A Ritual of Flame Event Controller60A HServer triggerMount Hyjal4.2.0 1
Generic Bunny1A HServer trigger 4.1.0 0
Lylagar Breath85A HServer triggerMount Hyjal4.2.0 2
Lylagar Breath85A HServer triggerMount Hyjal4.2.0 1
Wave Genesis Bunny85A HServer triggerMolten Front4.2.0 14
Lava Bubbles85A HBeastMolten Front4.2.0 2
Lasher Final Event Credit1A HUnspecified 5.4.2 0
Rope1A HServer trigger 4.2.0 0
Meteor Bunny1A HUnspecifiedMolten Front4.2.0 42
Malorne Event Controller1A HServer triggerMount Hyjal4.2.0 1