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REALM: Shadowsong   (change to )

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Oculeth Thwen Fight Bunny
Quick Facts
  • Level: 1
  • Health: 87
  • React: A H
  • Type: Unspecified

NPC isn't spawned anywhere

Same model (98)
Beryl Point InvisMan60A HServer triggerBorean Tundra3.0.1 11
[DND] Shaker60A HServer triggerStormwind City3.3.0 49
Ooze Covered Tentacle Stalker??A HBoss 3.3.0 0
Slimy Tentacle Stalker??A HBoss 3.3.0 0
Tesla Coil Stalker??A HBoss 5.4.2 0
Dance Participant1A HServer trigger 3.3.5 0
Frostmane Magic Sphere1A HUnspecifiedDun Morogh4.0.3 5
Mortar Target1A HServer triggerDun Morogh4.0.1 19
Mortar Caster1A HUnspecifiedDun Morogh4.0.1 2
Meteor Target1A HServer triggerDun Morogh4.0.3 51
General Grimaxe Controller1A HUnspecifiedDun Morogh4.0.3 1
Amazing Barrel Bunny1A HUnspecified 5.4.2 0
Ammo Cart Bunny1A HUnspecified 4.0.1 0
Captured Demolitionist Credit1A HUnspecifiedNew Tinkertown4.0.3 1
Earthquake1A HUnspecified 5.4.2 0
Fireguard's Essence1A HUnspecified 4.0.3 0
Toy Cart Bunny1A HUnspecified 4.1.0 0
Toy Cart Bunny1 - 30A HUnspecifiedOrgrimmar4.1.0 1
Fire Patch1A HUnspecifiedMolten Front4.2.0 4
Darkmoon Cookpot5A HUnspecifiedDarkmoon Island4.3.0 2
Balloon Cart Bunny1A HUnspecifiedDarkmoon Island4.3.0 1
Thieving Plainshawk Weapon Grab Stalker1A HServer trigger 5.0.1 0
Mistfall Village Fire Bunny1A HUnspecified 5.0.1 0
Binan Village Roof Fire90A HUnspecified 5.0.1 0
Jovial Villagers1A HUnspecified 5.4.2 0
Vale Marksmen1A HUnspecified 5.0.1 0
Krasarang Wild Brew1A HUnspecified 5.4.2 0
Fireworks Barrel1A HUnspecified 5.4.2 0
Tian Disciple90A HUnspecified 5.0.4 0
Damaged Cannon1A HUnspecified 5.4.2 0
Tian Mistweaver1A HUnspecified 5.4.2 0
Xuen Shield Bearer1A HUnspecified 5.4.2 0
Binan Fisherman1A HUnspecified 5.4.2 0
Cave Discovery Area1A HHumanoid 5.4.2 0
Grain Gathered1A HUnspecified 5.4.2 0
Craft a Noodle Cart Kit1A HUnspecified 5.4.2 0
Craft a Deluxe Noodle Cart Kit1A HUnspecified 5.4.2 0
Dive1A HServer triggerSuramar7.0.3 1
Legion Devastator Missile1A HUnspecifiedMardum, the Shattered Abyss7.0.3 4
Legion Devastator Missile1A HUnspecifiedMardum, the Shattered Abyss7.0.3 2
Legion Devastator Missile1A HUnspecifiedMardum, the Shattered Abyss7.0.3 2
bunny1A HUnspecified 7.1.0 0
Eradication Beam1A HUnspecified 7.0.3 0
Kill Credit1A HUnspecified 7.2.0 0
Saprish's Staff1A HUnspecified 7.3.0 0
"Rogue Class" Teleport Trigger1A HServer trigger  0
946502 Summon Bunny1A HUnspecified  0
946503 Summon Bunny1A HUnspecified  0
946504 Summon Bunny1A HUnspecified  0
946506 dargrul1A HUnspecified  0
946507 Summon Bunny1A HUnspecified  0
946508 Summon Bunny1A HUnspecified  0
946509 cenarius Bunny1A HUnspecified  0
946510 Summon Bunny1A HUnspecified  0
946511 Summon Bunny1A HUnspecified  0
946515 Summon Bunny1A HUnspecified Abyssal Maw 1
Trigger for Erunak1A HUnspecified Abyssal Maw 1
Stage Controller1A HServer trigger Abyssal Maw 1
946518 adelee bunnyt1A HUnspecified Abyssal Maw 1
Chain right1A HUnspecified Abyssal Maw 1
Chain left1A HUnspecified Abyssal Maw 1
946518 adelee bunnyt1A HUnspecified Abyssal Maw 1
946522 zithreen bunny1A HUnspecified Abyssal Maw 1
946525 Summon Bunny1A HUnspecified  0
946526 Summon Bunny1A HUnspecified  0
946527 Summon Bunny1A HUnspecified  0
Hearts Generic Bunny1A HUnspecified  0
Legion Devastator Bunny99A HUnspecifiedMardum, the Shattered Abyss 4
Demon Hunter player creation bunny1A HUnspecified  0
Fel Beam Bunny1A HUnspecified  0
DH Artifact Violet Hold Teleporter1A HUnspecifiedDalaran 1
DH Artifact inside Violet Hold Teleporter1A HUnspecified  0
Fel Streak Target1A HUnspecified  0
Warlock Order Hall Teleporter1A HUnspecifiedDreadscar Rift 1
Warrior Order Hall Teleporter1A HUnspecifiedSkyhold 3
Warrior Order Hall Dalaran Teleporter1A HUnspecified  0
Throw Crystal Aura Bunny1A HUnspecified  0
Stellagosa Event Bunny1A HUnspecifiedAzsuna 1
Mana Pylon Northwestern Bunny1A HUnspecified  0
Mana Pylon Central Bunny1A HUnspecified  0
Mana Pylon Southern Bunny1A HUnspecified  0
Gate Activator Bunny1A HUnspecifiedDalaran 1
Chain Right Hand Bunny1A HUnspecifiedMardum, the Shattered Abyss 2
Chain Left Hand Bunny1A HUnspecifiedMardum, the Shattered Abyss 2
Chain Bunny1A HUnspecifiedMardum, the Shattered Abyss 2
Spell Target Bunny1A HUnspecifiedAzsuna 1
Slave Chain Bunny1A HUnspecified  0
Farondis Target Bunny1A HUnspecifiedAzsuna 1
Queen Azshara Save yourself Bunny1A HUnspecified  0
Athissa Academy Save yourself Bunny1A HUnspecified  0
Prince Farondis Save yourself Bunny1A HUnspecifiedAzsuna 1
Jump Down Target Bunny1A HUnspecified  0
Dreamway to Order Hall Teleporter1A HHumanoidEmerald Dreamway 1
Order Hall to Dreamway Teleporter1A HHumanoidVal'sharah 1
Azuremoons Barrier Activator Bunny1A HUnspecified  0
Upper DK Order Hall Teleporter1A HHumanoidAcherus: The Ebon Hold 1
Lower DK Order Hall Teleporter1A HHumanoidAcherus: The Ebon Hold 1
Ritual of summoning Bunny1A HUnspecified  0