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REALM: Shadowsong   (change to )

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[ph] exploding barrel
Quick Facts
  • Level: 1
  • Health: 87
  • Armor: 60 (-28% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Damage: 3 - 5
  • Type: Unspecified
  • Added in 5.4.2

NPC isn't spawned anywhere

Same model (100)
Rabbit1A HCritterHighmountain1.11.1 1023
Cottontail Rabbit1A HBattle Pet 1.12.1 0
Pirate treasure trigger mob1A HCritter 1.12.1 0
Chess Waiting Room (DND)1A HServer trigger Karazhan2.0.1 1
The Evil Rabbit5A HCritter 4.0.3 0
Netherstorm Kneel Target1A HServer triggerNetherstorm2.0.1 81
Blade's Edge Kneel Target 011A HServer triggerBlade's Edge Mountains2.0.1 4
Blade's Edge Kneel Target 021A HServer triggerBlade's Edge Mountains2.0.1 4
Blade's Edge Kneel Target 031A HServer triggerBlade's Edge Mountains2.0.1 3
Blade's Edge - Arakkoa Spell Origin1A HServer triggerBlade's Edge Mountains2.0.1 6
Illadari Point - Succubi Spell Orgin 0011A HServer triggerShadowmoon Valley2.0.1 1
Illadari Point - Succubi Caster Position 011A HServer triggerShadowmoon Valley2.0.1 1
Illadari Point - Succubi Caster Position 021A HServer triggerShadowmoon Valley2.0.1 1
Eclipse Point - Bloodcrystal Spell Orgin1A HServer triggerShadowmoon Valley2.2.0 11
Brown Rabbit11A HBattle Pet 2.0.1 0
Legion Hold - Infernal Dummy111A HServer trigger 5.4.2 0
Blade's Edge - Legion - Invis Bunny1A HServer triggerBlade's Edge Mountains2.0.1 14
Blade's Edge - Rock Flayer Target1A HUnspecifiedBlade's Edge Mountains2.0.1 40
Designer Island Gnome Spell Target1A HServer trigger 5.4.2 0
Blade's Edge - Toshley's - Def Gun Attack Origin1A HServer triggerBlade's Edge Mountains2.0.1 1
Skettis Kneel Target 011A HServer triggerTerokkar Forest2.0.1 8
Skettis Kneel Target 021A HServer triggerTerokkar Forest2.0.1 8
Skettis Kneel Target 031A HServer triggerTerokkar Forest2.0.1 8
Skettis Arakkoa Spell Origin 011A HServer triggerTerokkar Forest2.0.1 8
Skettis Kneel Target 041A HServer triggerTerokkar Forest2.0.1 5
[PH] bat target63 - 64A HServer triggerBlade's Edge Mountains2.0.1 15
Blade's Edge - Legion - Anger Camp - Invis Bunny1A HServer triggerBlade's Edge Mountains2.0.1 1
[DND] Brewfest Barker Bunny 11A HServer triggerOrgrimmar2.3.0 2
[DND] Brewfest Barker Bunny 21A HServer triggerOrgrimmar2.3.0 2
[DND] Brewfest Barker Bunny 31A HServer triggerOrgrimmar2.3.0 2
[DND] Brewfest Barker Bunny 41A HServer triggerIronforge2.3.0 1
[DND] Brewfest Speed Bunny Green5A HServer trigger 2.3.0 0
[DND] Brewfest Speed Bunny Yellow5A HServer trigger 2.3.0 0
[DND] Brewfest Speed Bunny Red5A HServer trigger 2.3.0 0
[DND] Brewfest Delivery Bunny1A HServer trigger 2.3.0 0
[DND] Brewfest Face Me Bunny1A HServer triggerDurotar2.2.2 4
2.4 Sunwell 5 Man Tradeskill Bunny [PH]
<Kill Me>
1A HServer trigger 2.4.0 0
Barrel o' Fun80A HUnspecified 5.4.2 0
Bad Fish - Rabbits1A HCritter 5.4.2 0
Cosmetic Rabbit1A HUnspecifiedDalaran3.0.2 2
Noblegarden Rabbit1A HCritter 3.1.1 0
Plump Turkey Bunny1A HServer trigger 3.2.2 0
[DND] Tournament - Ranged Target Dummy - Bunny111A HServer trigger 5.4.2 0
[DND] Tournament - Mounted Melee - Target Dummy - Charge Bunny111A HServer trigger 5.4.2 0
[DND] Tournament - Mounted Melee - Target Dummy - Block Bunny111A HServer trigger 5.4.2 0
Wabbit1A HCritter 5.4.2 0
Webbed Rabbit1A HCritterStonetalon Mountains4.0.3 12
Sharpshiv's Explosives1A HUnspecified 4.0.1 0
Goblin Beach Chair Seat1A HServer triggerSouthern Barrens4.0.1 2
Crucible of Fire [Quest Tracker]1A HServer trigger 5.4.2 0
Crucible of Air [Quest Tracker]1A HServer trigger 5.4.2 0
Crucible of Water [Quest Tracker]1A HServer trigger 5.4.2 0
Crucible of Earth [Quest Tracker]1A HServer trigger 5.4.2 0
Cataclysm Beast1A HBeast 5.4.2 0
Panicked Bunny5 - 7A HCritterMount Hyjal4.0.3 25
Elfin Rabbit1 - 0A HCritterVal'sharah4.0.1 136
Mountain Cottontail1 - 0A HCritterHighmountain4.0.1 89
Grasslands Cottontail1A HCritterArathi Highlands4.0.1 41
Drop Test Rabbit1A HCritter 5.4.2 0
Rabbit0A HWild PetHighmountain5.0.1 40
Mountain Cottontail0A HWild PetHighmountain5.0.1 11
Grasslands Cottontail1A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Elfin Rabbit0A HWild PetVal'sharah5.0.1 21
[old]Poisonous Bunny1A HUnspecified 6.0.1 0
Compressed Gas Barrel1A HUnspecified 6.0.1 0
Captured Critter1A HCritterShadowmoon Valley6.0.1 27
Critter Buddy1A HCritterShadowmoon Valley6.0.1 1
Marker 0 arrow (Camp) Pointer1A HUnspecified 6.0.1 0
Wisptail Hare1A HCritterShadowmoon Valley6.0.1 448
Rabbit AINeed Test NAgle WalkAround Bunny1A HWild Pet 6.0.1 0
Captured Critter1A HCritterShadowmoon Valley6.0.1 1
Exarch Council Event Bunny84A HServer trigger 6.0.1 0
Finding Kairoz Conversation Bunny1A HServer trigger 6.0.1 0
Quest Complete Conversation Bunny1A HServer trigger 6.0.1 0
CritterTemplate1A HCritter 6.0.1 0
El-ahrairah1A HUnspecifiedStormwind City7.0.3 1
Controller Bunny1A HUnspecified 7.1.0 0
Intro Bunny1A HUnspecified  0
Dynamic Demon Corpse Bunny1A HUnspecified 7.1.0 0
Airstrike Bunny1A HUnspecified 7.1.0 0
Relic Stalker1A HUnspecified 7.1.0 0
Invasion Point1A HUnspecified 7.1.0 0
Invasion Map Marker (Small)1A HUnspecified 7.1.0 0
Invasion Map Marker (Medium)1A HUnspecified 7.1.0 0
Legion Forces Kill Credit Proxy1A HUnspecified 7.1.0 0
Invasion Map Marker (Citadel)1A HUnspecified 7.1.0 0
El-ahrairah1A HUnspecified 7.1.0 0
Chain latch Point102A HServer trigger Hellfire Citadel6.2.0 12
Citadel Spell Stalker1A HUnspecified 7.1.0 0
Invasion Map Marker (Relic Hunters)1A HUnspecified 7.1.0 0
Invasion Map Marker (Small)1A HUnspecified 7.1.0 0
Illidari Test1A HUnspecified 7.1.0 0
_JKL SQL TEST1A HCritter 6.2.0 0
Wetlands Citadel Kill Credit1A HUnspecified 7.1.0 0
Invasion Map Marker (Medium)1A HUnspecified 7.1.0 0
Fire Extinguisher Game Stalker1A HUnspecified 7.1.0 0
Gargoyle Spit Target1A HUnspecified 7.1.0 0
Rabbit1 - 0A HCritter 7.0.3 0
Olivetail Hare98 - 0A HWild PetAzsuna7.0.3 13
Anchor Crystal Target1A HUnspecified 7.1.0 0