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REALM: Shadowsong   (change to )
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Rejuvenation [#12160]
    40 yd range
1.5 sec cast   
Heals an ally every 3 sec. for 12 seconds.

Rejuvenation   Magic
Damage healed every 3 sec.

12 seconds remaining

Spell details
Costn/aDuration12 seconds
Range40 yards (Long)SchoolNature
Cast Time1.5 sec castMechanicn/a
Cooldownn/aDispel TypeMagic
Chargesn/aMax Targetsn/a
GCDn/aGCD Categoryn/a
Damage ClassMagic
Effect #0Apply Aura: Periodic Heal
Value: 100 every 3 seconds
Targets: Allied
Attributes - Damage depends on caster's level

Used by (25)Used by (2)Changelog (7)See also (36)
Cenarion Protector22 - 23A HHumanoidAshenvale1.11.1 7
Severed Druid20 - 21A HUndeadAshenvale1.11.1 26
Brother Ravenoak29A HHumanoidStonetalon Mountains1.11.1 1
Tar Lord53A HElementalUn'Goro Crater1.11.1 21
Deadwood Gardener44 - 45A HHumanoidFelwood1.11.1 11
Moontouched Owlbeast53 - 54A HHumanoidWinterspring1.11.1 35
Oakpaw25A HHumanoidAshenvale1.11.1 1
Grimtotem Sorcerer27 - 28A HHumanoidStonetalon Mountains1.11.1 15
Emeraldon Oracle25A HDragonkinAshenvale1.11.1 20
Eversong Tender5 - 7A HElementalEversong Woods2.2.0 7
Eversong Green Keeper7 - 9A HElementalEversong Woods2.2.0 38
Blacksilt Tidecaller11 - 13A HHumanoidBloodmyst Isle2.2.0 12
Blacksilt Seer15 - 17A HHumanoidBloodmyst Isle2.2.0 29
Time-Lost Scryer67 - 71A HUndead Sethekk Halls2.2.0 8
Talonpriest Ishaal71A HUndeadTerokkar Forest2.2.0 2
Druid of the Talon45A HHumanoidFeralas4.0.3 6
Marl Wormthorn60A HHumanoidBlasted Lands4.0.3 1
Zen'Kiki1A HHumanoid 4.0.3 0
Druid of the Talon45A HHumanoidFeralas4.0.6 3
Zen'Kiki1A HHumanoid 4.2.0 0
Zen'tabra85A HHumanoidMount Hyjal4.2.0 1
Alliance Druid90A HHumanoidKrasarang Wilds5.1.0 9
<Stormshield Druid Leader>
101A HHumanoid Ashran6.0.1 1
Stormshield Druid100A HHumanoid Ashran6.0.1 2
Tina Fang100A HHumanoid Ashran6.0.1 1