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REALM: Shadowsong   (change to )
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Polymorph: Chicken [#228]
Polymorph: Chicken 
120 Mana   20 yd range
Instant cast   
Transforms the enemy into a chicken that cannot cast, and does 66% less damage for up to 10 seconds.

Polymorph: Chicken   Magic
Cannot cast spells and damage reduced by 66%.

10 seconds remaining

Spell details
Cost 120 ManaDuration10 seconds
Range20 yards (Short)SchoolNature
Cast TimeInstant castMechanicPolymorph
Cooldownn/aDispel TypeMagic
Chargesn/aMax Targetsn/a
GCD1.5 secondsGCD CategoryNormal
Damage ClassMagic
Effect #0Apply Aura: Transform Into Model
Value: 0
Creature: Chicken (620)
Targets: Enemy
Effect #1Apply Aura: Silence
Targets: Enemy
Effect #2Apply Aura: Mod Damage Done %
Value: -66%
Affected Spell Schools: Physical
Targets: Enemy
Attributes - Not usable while shapeshifted/polymorphed
- Can't target non-tapped target

and 1 other unknown attribute

Used by (19)Changelog (6)
Marisa du'Paige15A HHumanoidWestfall1.11.1 1
Alliance Mage17A HHumanoid 4.0.3 0
Raccoon Kit120A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Huge Toad1A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Toad1A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Frog1A HWild PetAshenvale5.0.1 15
Spotted Bell Frog1A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Biletoad1A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Mac Frog1A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Jungle Darter1A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Masked Tanuki1A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Bandicoon Kit1A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Feral Vermling1A HBattle Pet 5.0.1 0
Masked Tanuki Pup1A HWild Pet 5.0.1 0
Yellow-Bellied Bullfrog1A HWild PetValley of the Four Winds5.0.1 2
Shy Bandicoon1A HWild PetValley of the Four Winds5.0.1 10
Hopling1A HBattle Pet 5.0.1 0
Croaker16A HBattle PetSwamp of Sorrows5.0.4 1
Prince Wart22A HBattle PetNagrand5.0.4 1