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REALM: Shadowsong   (change to )
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Spawn Feign Death [#35356]
Spawn Feign Death 
Instant cast   

Spell details
Cast TimeInstant castMechanicn/a
Cooldownn/aDispel Typen/a
Chargesn/aMax Targetsn/a
GCDn/aGCD Categoryn/a
Damage Classn/a
Effect #0Apply Aura: Dummy aura (server-side)
Value: 0
Targets: Caster
Effect #1Spawn Effect
Value: 0
Attributes - [Client-Side] Hidden from spellbook / aura bar
- [Client-Side] Hide from combat log
- [Client-Side] Don't hide unit weapons in sheath
- Doesn't generate threat
- Cannot be autocast by pet?

and 1 other unknown attribute

Used by (28)See also (3)
Slain Tualiq Villager80A HHumanoidHrothgar's Landing3.2.0 42
North Sea Shark79 - 80A HBeastIcecrown3.2.0 6
Dead Crag Boar5 - 6A HBeastDun Morogh4.0.3 18
Dead Frostmane Troll3A HHumanoidNew Tinkertown4.0.3 34
Crushcog Battle Suit 13 - 4A HMechanicalNew Tinkertown4.0.3 9
Fallen Jin'yu85A HUnspecified Temple of the Jade Serpent5.0.1 8
Slain Trogg14A HHumanoid Ragefire Chasm5.0.1 22
Yu'lon Disciple85A HUnspecified Temple of the Jade Serpent5.0.1 12
Yu'lon Priest86A HUnspecified Temple of the Jade Serpent5.0.1 13
Serpent Trainer90A HUnspecified Temple of the Jade Serpent5.0.1 8
Stormwind Footman100A HHumanoid Broken Shore7.0.3 6
Moonfall Hippogryph110A HBeastSuramar7.0.3 7
Moonfall Defender
<Moon Guard>
110A HHumanoidSuramar7.0.3 18
Moonfall Acolyte
<Moon Guard>
110A HHumanoidSuramar7.0.3 17
Nyellus Starweaver
<Moon Guard>
110A HHumanoidSuramar7.0.3 1
Kailea Windfeather
<Moon Guard>
110A HHumanoidSuramar7.0.3 1
Galar'thus Rivertree
<Moon Guard>
110A HHumanoidSuramar7.0.3 1
Nightborne Eradicator110A HHumanoidSuramar7.0.3 19
Nightborne Eradicator110A HHumanoidSuramar7.0.3 40
Oreth's Victim110A HUnspecifiedSuramar7.0.3 3
Felsworn Magus111A HDemon 7.2.0 0
Shadowsworn Invader111A HDemon 7.2.0 0
Legionfall Soldier110A HHumanoid Cathedral of Eternal Night7.2.0 46
Felguard Invader111A HDemon Tomb of Sargeras7.2.0 20
Frozen Ghoul110A HUndead The Lost Glacier7.2.0 6
Isolon Devout110A HHumanoidMac'Aree7.3.0 40
Joshen Lafave
<Food & Drink>
110A HHumanoid  0
<Food & Drink>
110A HHumanoid  0