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REALM: Shadowsong   (change to )


Eye of the Storm
Quick Facts
  • Type: Battleground
  • Territory: Contested
  • Location: Eastern Kingdoms
  • Map ID: 566
Eye of the Storm is a 15v15 battleground added in TBC--it is meant to hover above Netherstorm. It is a mix of Arathi Basin and Warsong Gulch.

Showing objects: 0 (show NPCs instead)

Quests (6)Zone spells (9)Zone auto spells (1)Subzones (4)See also (1)
QuestCategoryQuest LevelReq. LevelSide
Call to Arms: Eye of the Storm (Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Gnome, Draenei, Worgen, Pandaren Alliance, Void Elf, Lightforged Draenei)Eye of the Storm 71
Call to Arms: Eye of the Storm (Orc, Undead, Tauren, Troll, Goblin, Blood Elf, Pandaren Horde, Nightborne, Highmountain Tauren)Eye of the Storm 71
Call to Arms: Eye of the Storm (Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Gnome, Draenei, Worgen, Pandaren Alliance, Void Elf, Lightforged Draenei)Eye of the Storm 61
Call to Arms: Eye of the Storm (Orc, Undead, Tauren, Troll, Goblin, Blood Elf, Pandaren Horde, Nightborne, Highmountain Tauren)Eye of the Storm 61
Call to Arms: Eye of the Storm DEPRECATEDEye of the Storm 61 
DEPRECATEDEye of the Storm 61