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REALM: Shadowsong   (change to )


The Culling of Stratholme
Quick Facts
  • Type: Dungeon
  • Territory: Contested
  • Min. level: 75
  • Location: Kalimdor
  • Map ID: 595
Deep within the Caverns of Time, the brooding dragon Nozdormu has awakened. Since the world was young, the bronze dragonflight has safeguarded the winding labyrinth, monitoring the shifting timeways to ensure that the delicate balance of time is upheld.

Showing objects: 0 (show NPCs instead)

Dungeon Journal (1)Encounters (4)Quests (4)Criteria of (2)Criteria of tree (2)
Zone auto spells (1)Graveyards (1)See also (1)
Deep within the Caverns of Time, the brooding dragon Nozdormu has awakened. Since the world was young, the bronze dragonflight has safeguarded the winding labyrinth, monitoring the shifting timeways to ensure that the delicate balance of time is upheld.