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Quick Facts
  • Completed by: 0 players @ Shadowsong
  • Points: 10
  • Category: Outland
  • Main category: Quests

Complete the Zangarmarsh storylines listed below.

Criteria (any required)
     » Swamprat Post: (all required)
          »  A Job Undone
          »  Nothin' Says Lovin' Like a Big Stinger
          »  Jyoba's Report
     » Zabra'jin: (all required)
          »  A Spirit Ally?
          »  The Sharpest Blades
          »  Have You Ever Seen One of These?
          »  Pursuing Terrorclaw
     » The Defense of Zabra'jin: (all required)
          »  Us or Them
          »  Message to the Daggerfen
     » Draenei Diplomacy: (all required)
          »  Messenger to the Feralfen
     » Telredor: (all required)
          »  Diaphanous Wings
          »  Umbrafen Eel Filets
          »  Blacksting's Bane
          »  An Unnatural Drought
     » Orebor Harborage: (all required)
          »  Overlord Gorefist
          »  Daggerfen Deviance
          »  Secrets of the Daggerfen
          »  Maktu's Revenge
          »  Stinger Venom
          »  Lines of Communication
          »  The Terror of Marshlight Lake
     » Don't Eat THOSE Mushrooms!: (all required)
          »  Stealing Back the Mushrooms
     » Draining the Marsh: (all required)
          »  Return to the Marsh
     » Saving the Sporeloks: (all required)
          »  Saving the Sporeloks
          »  Safeguarding the Watchers
          »  A Damp, Dark Place
     » A Trip With the Sporelings: (all required)
          »  Fhwoor Smash!
          »  Sporeggar
          »  Now That We're Friends...

Criteria of (1)Criteria of tree (2)Category (14)
Loremaster of Outland
Complete the Outland quest achievements listed below.