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Quick Facts
  • Completed by: 0 players @ Shadowsong
  • Points: 10
  • Category: Eastern Kingdoms
  • Main category: Quests

Complete the Hinterlands storylines listed below.

Criteria (any required)
     » Stormfeather Outpost: (all required)
          »  Skulk Rock Supplies
          »  Skulk Rock Clean-Up
          »  Prime Slime
          »  99 Bottles of Booze on the Beach
          »  Snapjaws, Lad!
          »  The Wicked Revantusk
     » Jintha'Alor: (all required)
          »  Dark Vessels
          »  Hunt the Keeper
          »  Venomous Secrets
          »  It's Ours Now
          »  Faces of Evil
     » Quel'Danil Lodge: (all required)
          »  Shadra the Venom Queen
          »  Starvation Diet
     » Jintha'Alor: (all required)
          »  It's Ours Now
          »  Hunt the Keeper
          »  Faces of Evil
          »  Venomous Secrets
     » Hiri'watha: (all required)
          »  Shadra the Venom Queen
          »  Starvation Diet
     » Revantusk Village: (all required)
          »  Hunt the Savages
          »  The Savage Dwarves
          »  Stomp To My Beat
          »  Lard Lost His Lunch
          »  Pupellyverbos Port
          »  Snapjaws, Mon!
          »  Gammerita, Mon!
          »  Skulk Rock Clean-Up
          »  Prime Slime
          »  Skulk Rock Supplies

Criteria of (1)Criteria of tree (4)Category (25)
Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms
Complete the Eastern Kingdoms quest achievements listed below.
Eastern Kingdoms