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REALM: Shadowsong   (change to )
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Frenzy [#8269]
Instant cast   
Increases the caster's attack speed by 60% for 2 minutes.

Attack speed increased by 60%.

2 minutes remaining

Spell details
Costn/aDuration2 minutes
Cast TimeInstant castMechanicn/a
Cooldownn/aDispel Typen/a
Chargesn/aMax Targetsn/a
GCDn/aGCD Categoryn/a
Damage Classn/a
Effect #0Apply Aura: Mod Melee Attack Speed %
Value: 60%
Targets: Caster
Effect #1Apply Aura: Mod Size %
Value: 15%
Targets: Caster
Effect #2Unknown Effect (#0)
Value: 1
Attributes - [Client-Side] Show "ability" instead of "spell"
- [Client-Side] Don't hide unit weapons in sheath

and 1 other unknown attribute

Used by (73)Used by (1)Changelog (5)See also (86)
Hungering Wraith37 - 38A HUndeadWestern Plaguelands1.11.1 10
Crushridge Warmonger25 - 26A HHumanoidHillsbrad Foothills1.11.1 26
Kovork26A HHumanoidArathi Highlands1.11.1 1
Scarlet Myrmidon36A HHumanoid Scarlet Monastery1.11.1 27
Scarlet Abbot39A HHumanoid Scarlet Monastery1.11.1 5
Agathelos the Raging35A HBeast Razorfen Kraul1.11.1 1
Raging Agam'ar33A HBeast Razorfen Kraul1.11.1 15
Scillia Daggerquil52A HHumanoid 1.12.1 0
Irradiated Pillager26 - 27A HHumanoid Gnomeregan1.11.1 46
Chief Ukorz Sandscalp49A HHumanoid Zul'Farrak1.11.1 1
Stonevault Mauler38 - 39A HHumanoid Uldaman1.11.1 9
Razelikh the Defiler60A HDemon 1.11.1 0
Gruklash52A HHumanoidBurning Steppes1.11.1 7
Rage Talon Dragonspawn58A HDragonkin Blackrock Spire1.11.1 22
Highlord Omokk59A HHumanoid Blackrock Spire1.11.1 1
Spirestone Warlord58A HHumanoid Blackrock Spire1.11.1 3
Firebrand Grunt
<Firebrand Legion>
58A HHumanoid Blackrock Spire1.11.1 17
Smolderthorn Berserker57 - 58A HHumanoid Blackrock Spire1.11.1 7
Frenzied Black Drake
<Cyrus's Minion>
54A HDragonkin 1.11.1 0
Bloodaxe Warmonger
<Bloodaxe Legion>
59A HHumanoid Blackrock Spire1.11.1 14
Ghok Bashguud
<Bloodaxe Champion>
59A HHumanoid Blackrock Spire1.11.1 1
Gizrul the Slavener60A HBeast Blackrock Spire1.11.1 1
Emberstrife61A HDragonkinDustwallow Marsh1.11.1 1
Risen Construct41 - 42A HUndead ScholomanceOLD1.11.1 12
Doctor Theolen Krastinov
<The Butcher>
42A HHumanoid ScholomanceOLD1.11.1 1
Gurubashi Axe Thrower60A HHumanoid 1.11.1 0
Gurubashi Berserker62A HHumanoid 1.11.1 0
Soulflayer61A HBeast 1.11.1 0
Gordok Mauler37A HHumanoidFeralas1.11.1 24
Eldreth Seether41 - 42A HUndead Dire Maul1.11.1 3
Immol'thar44A HDemon Dire Maul1.11.1 1
Enraged Felguard60A HDemon 1.11.1 0
Guard Fengus46A HHumanoid Dire Maul1.11.1 1
Stomper Kreeg
<The Drunk>
46A HHumanoid Dire Maul1.11.1 1
Guard Slip'kik47A HHumanoid Dire Maul1.11.1 1
Guard Mol'dar46A HHumanoid Dire Maul1.11.1 1
Anubisath Guardian62A HGiant Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj1.11.1 1
Battleguard Sartura??A HBoss Ahn'Qiraj1.11.1 1
Fel Orc Neophyte62 - 71A HHumanoid 2.2.0 0
Dreghood Slave70A HHumanoid The Steamvault2.2.0 15
Coilfang Slavemaster70A HHumanoid The Steamvault2.2.0 5
Rift Lord71A HDragonkin 2.2.0 0
Durnholde Tracking Hound65 - 69A HBeast Old Hillsbrad Foothills2.2.0 7
Coilfang Collaborator62 - 70A HHumanoid The Slave Pens2.2.0 18
Rift Keeper71A HDragonkin 2.2.0 0
Rift Lord71A HDragonkin 2.2.0 0
Rift Keeper71A HDragonkin 2.2.0 0
Bonechewer Behemoth72A HHumanoid Black Temple2.2.0 5
Bonechewer Brawler71A HHumanoid Black Temple2.2.0 2
Bonechewer Blood Prophet71A HHumanoid Black Temple2.1.0 8
Bonechewer Combatant71A HHumanoid Black Temple2.2.0 2
Drakkari Commander75A HHumanoid Drak'Tharon Keep3.0.1 1
Highborne Charlatan26 - 27A HUndeadStonetalon Mountains4.0.3 15
Lord Ro'minate28A HUndeadStonetalon Mountains4.0.3 1
Councilman Stark I'ylar28A HUndeadStonetalon Mountains4.0.3 1
Guardsman Belothiel
<Head of the City Watch>
28A HUndeadStonetalon Mountains4.0.3 1
Allendril Fallcreek27A HUndeadStonetalon Mountains4.0.3 1
Razelikh the Defiler57A HDemonBlasted Lands4.0.3 1
Renataki87A HUndead 4.1.0 0
Prince Lakma
<The Last Chimaerok>
87A HBeast 4.3.0 0
Doctor Theolen Krastinov
<The Butcher>
91A HHumanoid Scholomance5.0.4 1
Frostwolf Farseer100A HHumanoid 6.0.1 0
Farseer Drek'Thar95A HHumanoidTanaan Jungle6.0.1 7
Farseer Drek'Thar100A HHumanoid 6.0.1 0
Slash Gutspill110A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 1
Mightstone Savage98 - 110A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 8
Mightstone Savage98 - 110A HHumanoidStormheim7.0.3 7
Experimental Withered110A HHumanoid 7.1.0 0
Hungering Withered1A HHumanoid 7.1.0 0
Resistant Withered110A HHumanoid 7.1.0 0
Fel-Vulnerable Withered1A HHumanoid 7.1.0 0
Resistant Withered110A HHumanoid 7.1.0 0
Withered Soldier110A HHumanoid 7.1.0 0