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REALM: Shadowsong   (change to )


Quick Facts
  • Type: Scenario
  • Territory: Contested
  • Location: Eastern Kingdoms
  • Map ID: 1498
Suramar is a contested artifact acquisition in The Broken Isles.

Showing objects: 0 (show NPCs instead)

Scenarios (3)Zone spells (1)See also (2)
The Twinblades of the Deceiver

» Stage 1. Stalking Your Prey
      Fly into Felsoul Hold.
» Stage 2. They Are Not Prepared
      Dive into the fray.
» Stage 3. Wrath of the Illidari
      Destroy the wards protecting Varedis and absorb the souls of his minions.
» Stage 4. Unleashed Havoc
      Kill Varedis Felsoul.
» Stage 5. The Twinblades of the Deceiver
      Wield the Twinblades of the Deceiver.
The Twinblades of the Deceiver

» Stage 1. Stalking Your Prey
      Fly into Felsoul Hold.
» Stage 2. They Are Not Prepared
      Dive into the fray.
» Stage 3. Wrath of the Illidari
      Destroy the wards protecting Varedis and absorb the souls of his minions.
» Stage 4. Unleashed Havoc
      Kill Varedis Felsoul.
» Stage 5. The Twinblades of the Deceiver
      Wield the Twinblades of the Deceiver.
Dark Whispers

» Stage 1. Searching the Hold
      The skull should be within Felsoul Hold. Make your way down the path and search for it.
» Stage 2. Getting Over the Overfiend
      Defeat the Felborn Overfiend.
» Stage 3. Demon Hunting
      Mephistroth has escaped with the skull. Find a way across his trap and chase after him!
» Stage 4. The Legion
      Mephistroth has sent his minions after you. Survive their assault until Lady Tyrana and Pain Mistress Nikta arrives, then kill them.
» Stage 5. Screams of the Skull
      Mephistroth is attempting to destroy the skull! Clear the way to his ritual site and stop him!
» Stage 6. The Skull of the Man'ari
      Mephistroth has escaped but the skull is intact. Take it.
» Stage 7. There's a New Master in Town
      The skull is yours! Step through its portal to depart this place.