REALM: Shadowsong
(change to

- Type:
- Territory:
- Min. level: 19
- Location: Eastern Kingdoms
- Map ID: 90
Showing NPCs: 0 (show objects instead)

Dungeon Journal (1) | Encounters (5) | Quests (22) | Criteria of (2) | Criteria of tree (2) |
Zone spells (1) | Graveyards (1) | See also (3) |
Description |
Built deep within the mountains of Dun Morogh, the wondrous city of Gnomeregan was a testament to the gnomes' intelligence and industry. But when the capital was invaded by troggs, the gnomish high tinker was betrayed by his advisor Sicco Thermaplugg. As a result, Gnomeregan was irradiated, and most of its inhabitants slain. The surviving gnomes fled, vowing to return someday and retake their home. |