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Quick Facts
  • Completed by: 0 players @ Shadowsong
  • Side: Horde
  • Points: 10
  • Category: Northrend
  • Main category: Quests

Complete the Howling Fjord storylines listed below.

This achievement will be converted to I've Toured the Fjord if you transfer to Alliance

Criteria (all required)
     » Visitors from the Keep: (all required)
          »  Report to Anselm
     » Assassinating Bjorn Halgurdsson: (all required)
          »  Adding Injury to Insult
     » A New Plague: (all required)
          »  Field Test
     » Doom Approaches: (all required)
          »  Return to Atuik
     » The End of Jonah Sterling: (all required)
          »  The Jig is Up
     » The Debt Collector: (all required)
          »  Dead Man's Debt
     » Volatile Viscera: (all required)
          »  Warning: Some Assembly Required
     » Sisters of the Fjord: (all required)
          »  Keeper Witherleaf
     » The Iron Dwarves: (all required)
          »  The Rune of Command
          »  Demolishing Megalith
     » The Conqueror of Skorn: (all required)
          »  The Conqueror of Skorn!
     » The Scourge and the Vrykul: (all required)
          »  Necro Overlord Mezhen
          »  The Walking Dead
          »  Sleeping Giants
          »  The Slumbering King
          »  The Frost Wyrm and its Master
     » Alpha Worg: (all required)
          »  Alpha Worg

Criteria of (1)Criteria of tree (2)Category (21)See also (1)
Loremaster of Northrend
Complete the Northrend quest achievements listed below.