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Quick Facts
  • Completed by: 0 players @ Shadowsong
  • Side: Horde
  • Points: 10
  • Category: Northrend
  • Main category: Quests

Complete the Borean Tundra storylines listed below.

This achievement will be converted to Nothing Boring About Borean if you transfer to Alliance

Criteria (all required)
     » The Fate of Farseer Grimwalker: (all required)
          »  Return My Remains
     » Return of the Dread Citadel: (all required)
          »  The Plains of Nasam
     » The Scourge Necrolord: (all required)
          »  Foolish Endeavors
     » D.E.H.T.A.: (all required)
          »  The Assassination of Harold Lane
     » The Blue Dragonflight: (all required)
          »  Monitoring the Rift: Winterfin Cavern
          »  Traversing the Rift
          »  Springing the Trap
          »  Cracking the Code
          »  Keep the Secret Safe
     » Friends from the Sea: (all required)
          »  The Emissary
          »  The Tides Turn
     » Participant Observation: (all required)
          »  Escape from the Winterfin Caverns
          »  Keymaster Urmgrgl
          »  Surrender... Not!
          »  Succulent Orca Stew
          »  Them!
     » Hellscream's Champion: (all required)
          »  Hellscream's Champion
     » To the Aid of the Taunka: (all required)
          »  Return with the Bad News
          »  Cleaning Up the Pools
          »  The Sub-Chieftains
          »  Defeat the Gearmaster
          »  The Collapse
     » Somber Realization: (all required)
          »  Across Transborea

Criteria of (1)Criteria of tree (2)Category (21)See also (1)
Loremaster of Northrend
Complete the Northrend quest achievements listed below.