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Quick Facts
  • Completed by: 0 players @ Shadowsong
  • Points: 10
  • Category: Lunar Festival
  • Main category: World Events

Honor the Elders which are located in zones opened by the cataclysm.

Criteria (all required)
     »  Deepforge the Elder (Elder Deepforge in Deepholm)
     »  Firebeard the Elder (Elder Firebeard in Twilight Highlands)
     »  Evershade the Elder (Elder Evershade in Nordrassil)
     »  Windsong the Elder (Elder Windsong in Hyjal)
     »  Stonebrand the Elder (Elder Stonebrand in the Temple of Earth)
     »  Menkhaf the Elder (Elder Menkhaf in Uldum)
     »  Darkfeather the Elder (Elder Darkfeather in Twilight Highlands)
     »  Moonlance the Elder (Elder Moonlance in Vashj'ir)
     »  Sekhemi the Elder (Elder Sekhemi in Uldum)

Criteria of (1)Criteria of tree (1)Category (16)
To Honor One's Elders
Complete the Lunar Festival achievements listed below.
World Events 30