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Quick Facts
  • Completed by: 0 players @ Shadowsong
  • Points: 10
  • Category: Lunar Festival
  • Main category: World Events

Honor the Elders which are located inside the dungeons.

Criteria (all required)
     »  Morndeep the Elder (Elder Morndeep in Blackrock Depths)
     »  Splitrock the Elder (Elder Splitrock in Maraudon)
     »  Starsong the Elder (Elder Starsong in the Sunken Temple)
     »  Farwhisper the Elder (Elder Farwhisper in Stratholme)
     »  Yurauk the Elder (Elder Yurauk in the Halls of Stone)
     »  Wildmane the Elder (Elder Wildmane in Zul'Farrak)
     »  Stonefort the Elder (Elder Stonefort in Blackrock Spire)
     »  Kilias the Elder (Elder Kilias in Drak'Tharon Keep)
     »  Ohanzee the Elder (Elder Ohanzee in Gundrak)
     »  Jarten the Elder (Elder Jarten in Utgarde Keep)
     »  Chogan'gada the Elder (Elder Chogan'gada in Utgarde Pinnacle)
     »  Nurgen the Elder (Elder Nurgen in Azjol-Nerub)
     »  Igasho the Elder (Elder Igasho in The Nexus)

Criteria of (1)Criteria of tree (1)Category (16)
To Honor One's Elders
Complete the Lunar Festival achievements listed below.
World Events 30